Sunday, March 30, 2014

About Me Questionnaire (May 2008 Edition)

The phone rings.. what's the ring tone?
The single most intrusive mood ruining series of electronic beeps in musical history

Who is your last text from?
I haven't received my first text yet. How should I be able to predict who my last text is going to be from?

Which friends of yours did you see today?
All of my close personal friends at two different jobs as well as many of their regular patrons and customers.

Favorite drink?
Dr. Pepper. It's a defined personality type that Carl Jung forgot to mention. Implicitly I also enjoy Mr. Pibb

Does the person you like know that you like them?
That I like those drinks? I'm pretty sure we've discussed that topic.

Where are you right now?
In the library. Internet is once again unavailable in my apartment.

If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?
Okay my brain just fell out of my head interpreting this question. You're telling me to think back to the most recent person I've kissed. You're assuming (correctly) that the kiss was administered voluntarily, and you're asking me to imagine that the kiss had been in some way mandatory. And now you're asking me if I would have rebelled against authority and refused or gone through with a kiss that I clearly would have done anyway. Yeah, I think I'm going to call this question blatherskitic.

Favorite gadget in the kitchen?
The wire whip. It's fun to say.

How is your hair?
Doing quite well. It thanks you for your interest.

Any complaints?
Plenty. Why? You need an extra one?

Last time you had a sleepover?
At night.

Latest you stayed up in the past week?
I think it was around one thirty Tuesday morning.

What are you doing?
Still compiling my list of complaints.

Have you been in a car accident?
Yes! Thank you! I can put that on my list.

What is the last thing you said aloud?
I asked a librarian if Katie was still here.

Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list?
It's still up for grabs.

What did the last text message you received say?
Fine, I'll make something up. It said "Life is like a bowl of cereal. You'll always meet some flake wherever you go."

Last time you went to church?
I think it was in 2000.

Story behind your MySpace song?
Sadly I have no Myspace song. And now I'm without a corresponding story.

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
I guess it's better than them having a reason.


Existing several degrees below its full potential.

Blue and piercing (and a little out of focus in the right one).

Uncertain but thankfully in motion.

A mammal. Oh, sorry. I thought that was a question.

Doing this weekend to come?
Working three places and complaining about it. (That's number 83 on my list).

A Disney T-Shirt, a pair of shorts and tennis shoes.
Don't you like them?

Three wishes.

Listening to?
Library patrons debating cartesian dualism.

What do you smell like?
A well-showered wombat.

Do you sleep naked?
Not usually. I have a roommate with an attorney.

Do you like seafood?
Absolutely. Particularly salmon.

Do you remember your dreams?

Last kiss?
Well I certainly hope it's not the last one.

Do you have tattoo's?
No but I have a few freckles.

Do you speak another language other than English?
Yes, but I don't understand a word of what I'm saying in it.

What did you do last night?

Who do you hate?
At the moment nobody, but I'm about to get on the road so we'll see.

Orange or apple juice?
I prefer apple juice to an orange. It's easier to drink.

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